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onsdag 2. desember 2009

What I want for X-mas is...

...en plass i Style School, som er et online-kurs laget av Elsie Flannigan og Leigh-Ann Keffer. DET hadde vært en fin julegave det! Jeg digger begge damene, og jeg har fulgt bloggen til Elsie lenge. Hun er så herlig og har så digg stil (:

Litt om kurset:
"This is a 6 week class by Elsie Flannigan and Leigh-Ann Keffer. Rachel Denbow is also guest teaching as well as style features by 10 of our favorite bloggers and designers! The theme is discovering and developing your own personal style! Each project is an opportunity to learn more about yourself and make cute things for your studio, wardrobe, home and life!
The class begins January 10th and there is a lot of *fun* homework to prepare in advance! There are a total of 30 projects that are spread out evenly over the 6 weeks as well as a Style File Binder that we complete throughout the class! The class is hosted on a private blog that only students can see. The blog atmosphere is warm and friendly. Each project includes lots of photos & step-by-step instructions.
The class also includes three text chats and a video chat with Elsie and one with Leigh-Ann (two separate chats) where you can see the teachers live in a video and ask them questions through typing!"

Ellers kunne jeg også tenkt meg ganske mye fra nettbutikken deres Red Velvet Art.

Elskverdig <3

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